Setting Goals

Why Is Goal Attainment So Difficult?


We are all constantly setting goals. We have lots of dreams and vision for the future and even for daily talks. We make checklists, and mental notes daily. We spend a lot of time thinking about our goals. The goals can be social activities, losing weight or getting more exercise, choosing a career, finding a job, relationships, travel, family, personal growth…and the list goes on. The problem is that we spend way more time thinking about the goal rather than working out how to get the goal. If we do set up a plan, we often have trouble following through with it. 


It is very easy to set a goal but it is often very hard to attain the goal.  To be fair some goals come easy, but many seem so elusive.  Sometimes they are unrealistic for right now or they are set and then self-sabotaged with fears, obstacles, low self-esteem, lack of action, etc.

Then the downside of all this effort is that when we don’t achieve our goals in the timeline that we set up we may show signs of depression, just give up, self-deprecate, and make excuses. There must be a better way!

Well what does the research say?

Brain Research on Goals

Brain research tells us that our brains have plasticity. That means that we HAVE the ABILITY to change and learn and grow into our dreams and pave a path of success. Being CLEAR and I mean very clear on what we want. We need to set goals in a STEP-BY-STEP fashion as well as work daily on changing our limiting beliefs and habits, and overcoming obstacles in our path then we CAN and WILL achieve the things we set out to do. The research on brains also lets us know that when we set goals, we are often not crystal clear. Just announcing a goal isn’t enough. ACTION is needed..

Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.


When you look at the brain research it verifies the quote given above.  When you are feeling like you can’t do it or it is getting hard, your brain wants you to give up because your brain is there to protect you and keep you safe.  It wants to default into your comfort zone. 


Patience and Persistence


Patience and persistence can be the keys to your success.  We are impatient beings.  When we don’t see progress right away, we often give up. The difference between those who attain the goals they set for themselves and those unable to reach their them is that those who don’t give up have better success.


No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.



What if you had someone who could help you make and achieve your goals? Someone who could help identify the things that may be blocking progress.  A non-judgmental partner to guide you through the process and be your cheerleader?

A Coach is someone who can help you work through all these questions and help hold you accountable for each step along the way.  When you work with a Life Coach, giving up is not an option.


Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Take Your Goals to the Next Level

Are you ready to reach your goals? Book a free consultation with me and see if coaching is right for you!
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